الرئيسية » Terms Of Use

Terms Of Use

?What is the General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of laws designed to protect the personal data of European Union (EU) citizens. The Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the European Commission have worked together to help individuals take better control of their personal data.

Formally approved by the European Parliament in 2016, the EU has given companies and organisations a two-year grace period to comply with the new regulations. So from 25 May 2018, any business that does not comply with the new data protection regulations will be breaking the law.

?Who is affected by the GDPR

Any company operating within the EU and any company that does business, or hopes to do business, with EU citizens must comply with the new laws.

Even companies outside the EU are affected if they provide goods or services to EU citizens, and anyone who holds EU citizens’ personal data could be penalised from 25 May 2018.

?What type of data falls under the GDPR

Any information classified as confidential about personal data that can be used to identify an EU citizen is protected under the GDPR, including but not limited to:

Email address
Social media posts
Personal medical information
IP addresses
Bank details

Minors cannot legally consent to the use of their personal data; therefore, permission must be sought from parents or guardians of children aged 16 or under before a company can use a minor’s data.

?Why should companies comply with the GDPR

Any business that fails to comply with the GDPR by May 25 will be subject to hefty fines from the EU of up to 4% or €20 million of gross revenue, whichever is higher. There are further penalties that can be imposed depending on the violation.

Perhaps most importantly, companies that do not comply with the new rules will face a loss of credibility in the market. In other words, compliance with GDPR laws helps instill trust in a company’s customers and visitors to its website.

When people feel secure, they are more willing to do business with an organization.

Compliance with GDPR isn’t just what the law requires – it’s what makes a business profitable.

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